The Best Lesson I Learned From My Dad

Earmuffs and a Football Helmet

The best lesson my dad taught me has to do with a pair of earmuffs and a football helmet. Most of my childhood memories of my dad were before I was ten. Before he left for California. Before he left, mom, and my siblings, and I, in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. My dad was a lying narcissistic […]

The Devil Pulls the Strings Receives the Literary Titan Award

Great news to share with you – The Devil Pulls the Strings received the Literary Titan Award. Literary Titan Book Awards July 2021 Literary Titan bestows their Gold Award on books found to be perfect in their delivery of original content, meticulous development of unique characters in an organic and striking stetting, an innovative plot that […]

Make a Choice

I co-authored the bestselling book The  Happiness Code with Ray Brehm and  additional authors.  All the authors share their happiness hacks   you can use too. Here’s an excerpt from my  chapter:  Happiness can be a struggle, a challenge, and a lot of work. But  happiness doesn’t have to be elusive, out of reach, or something you  never […]

Book Cover Design in Your Face

Have you ever thought about book covers? Do you know why readers like and love certain covers over other ones? And same question if you’re an author. When you want to create a book cover you have options. If you’re creative enough you can create your own cover. And for the rest of us, we […]

Why I Write

Like many of you, I work hard and play harder. But over the years, I play less and work harder. The last two weeks, I’ve worked 14-16+ hour days. I help catch naughty folks for the government, and the increased workload and hours are what they are. But I also retire in 14-months and will […]


Author of Non-fiction, Fantasy
and Graphic Novels

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